I was nervous walking through The Hair and Skin Refinery doors for the first time because I had no idea what I would need to do to become an esthetician. However, the owners, Kate and Kandi, were kind and welcoming. Despite being busy they made time for me and made me feel like I was a priority while showing me around their premises. Students were working on clients in the spacious cosmetology front room, while others were out of sight ensuring tools used previously were cleaned properly. While walking me through to the facial rooms towards the back, Kate and the students we had passed were joking with each other, giving the school a laid-back, cheerful feel. I was immediately put at ease and felt the camaraderie in the building. Kate showed me the well-stocked facial rooms, where I was hoping i would be able to get the same glowing skin each individual here seemed to possess.
Since enrolling, my education has been as pleasant as I had envisioned. The first week we studied infection control and the basics of massage. It was both terrifying and relaxing! Every week we are focusing on a new subject, while still making time to review everything we have learned previously, either through studying the text or hands-on training with the teachers and each other. Through Kate’s wonderful teaching, I have been able to achieve the confidence and knowledge to achieve the glowing, dewy skin every adult wants.
Every day we learn something new that sparks my curiosity and makes me want to learn more, to ensure I’m prepared for my future career in esthetics! I'm so glad I made the choice to attend esthetics school at The Hair & Skin Refinery.
Katy Pritchard,
Esthetics Students